About Warp

How to play

This part is so simple it doesn't really warrant any explanation. Shoot at everything that moves and some of the things that don't. You'll soon learn which objects can be blown up and which ones just absorb the blasts. Avoid flying into anything that looks bulky and sticks out of the ground.

Keep in mind that most Java-enabled browsers require that the cursor is located within the current applet area for the keyboard input to be directed to the applet. Some may even insist on an initial mouse click.

How to cheat

You can start any of the first five levels by pressing the SHIFT key plus A, B, C, D or E.

Platform-specific problems

On certain machines with slow graphics cards but fast processors, the "curtain" effect between levels and when losing a life will not look right. It will appear to take only two or three steps before the screen goes blank. This is because the main loop has a period of no less than 70 milliseconds and the computer can't redraw the screen that often, so it will simply ignore the update request and wait for the next one ... or the next after that. However, during actual play, the loop has a lot more to do and will usually be delayed for so many extra milliseconds that the computer does have time to carry out the updates.

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